Thursday, April 2, 2009

missing the ocean

We used to live less than one mile from the ocean. We could see it from a window in our house. Now we live on the other side of the city, several miles from the ocean. I used to go to the beach, either to surf, run, or just watch the sunset, nearly every day. Now it's been weeks since I've seen it and I realize just how much I miss it. Something about the ocean just draws me to it, and I'm really feeling that pull strongly right now.

I will, however, have some time to go this weekend Stella & Jeffrey are going to Ann Arbor on Saturday until Thursday. Some portion of my free time will involve the ocean, hopefully surfing on it. The surf report for Saturday looks a bit intense for me with waves 5-8 feet high. I like around 3 foot waves the best, since I still totally suck at surfing. Hopefully sunday will be calmer, but if not, I'll probably see what I can do with the bigger waves.

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