Sunday, September 16, 2007

The rain in the Bay falls mainly in my brain

Here in the Bay Area we are in the middle of the dry season. We've lived here for two months now and have not seen a single drop of rain yet. And we likely won't see any for the next two months or more. But lately I've been having a surprising number of dreams in which it is raining in my dream. I'll eventually wake up and think to myself "Oh, it rained last night." Then I remember that I am actually in California now, not Michigan, and that it is still bone-dry outside. It appears that my subconscious is attempting to compensate for this lack of rain by creating rain in my dreams.

All of this makes we wonder what my brain will do to compensate for the lack of friends in Berkeley. I'm probably too old for imaginary friends now. Although I've seen people walking the streets of Berkeley who seem to have very active social lives going on entirely in their minds. Hopefully I won't be reduced to wandering the streets muttering strange conversations with people who don't exist.

1 comment:

Stella said...

Not anymore! It rained today. Will you dream of the desert tonight?